Secret #810 – What is the Holhooja clan?

Hi Santa and the elves!

I was wondering, who are the ones that take care of the reindeer? Is it Santa, or the elves? I love reindeer!

~Tanner ( 8 years old ) from Canada


Hi Tanner! I’m so happy you wrote to us, I’m Lunöt the Postationist, here to answer your question!

All of the different elves here in Santa’s Village have different jobs, and when it comes to taking care of the reindeer, the Holhooja elves are the experts!

Holhooja elves spend their days taking care of Santa’s reindeer. They are the only clan of elves that doesn’t live right in Santa’s Village. They all live on the Polar Ranch, which is just a short trip away, with the reindeer and all other sorts of animals who think that it’s a lovely place to live. Since it is outside of the village, there is plenty of space for all of the animals, and all are welcome!

All of the Holhooja are taught how to communicate with animals by Santa himself, and they wouldn’t be able to do their jobs otherwise. It is up to them not only to take care of the reindeer who will pull Santa’s sleigh, but to make sure that they are in tip-top shape as well! Each of the reindeer on Santa’s team is paired up with one of the Holhooja who then acts as that reindeer’s personal trainer. The elf will make sure that the reindeer exercises regularly, gets plenty of sleep, and eats all of their greens. Most importantly, they make sure that each reindeer eats enough magic lichen.

Aside from Santa, the Holhooja elves are the only ones who know where the famous lichen grows, the plant that gives reindeer the power to fly when put together in a top-secret recipe along with magical stardust. Each batch is made by hand, and the reindeer have to eat plenty of it before the big night!

The Holhooja elves are very active and fit, and they love the outdoors, which makes the Polar Ranch perfect for them. They also love friendly competition

The Holhoojas are great athletes and, every year, they organize the annual Summer Games, which are attended by all of the animals and residents of Santa’s Village. Even the wildflowers turn their heads to the picnic, because it is one of the most fun days of the year, where there are egg & spoon races, sack races, 3-legged races, pin-the-tail-on-the reindeer, pie baking contests, cookie eating contests, apple-bobbing and so much more!

Of course, the Holhoojas practically win everything, but the other elves make themselves feel better about it by saying they think the Holhoojas have an unfair advantage, and sneak little tastes of lichen to give them extra powers.

Remember to be good and make sure you’re on the Nice list this year Tanner, I know you can do it!

~Your helpful Postationist elf, Lunöt

XO Merry Christmas!


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